The Beginning of Our Journey: Web3 Hub Kaş
First Center in Kaş:

Our Web3 META Hub journey started with Web3 Hub Kaş, which we established in Kaş district in 2021. This hub offered a space for innovation and collaboration for individuals and teams working on Web3 projects. Our center in Kaş has become a place where creative ideas are born and developed with its natural beauties and peaceful environment.

Our Expanding Network and Collaborations

Investors and Developers:

As Web3 META Hub, we keep many investors and developers from Riyadh, United Arab Emirates and Far East ecosystems in our network. Thanks to our strong connections in these regions, we have significant advantages in providing the necessary financing and technical support for Web3 projects.

What is Web3 META Hub?

Web3 META Hub was established as an innovation and collaboration hub for Web3 technologies and projects in the Middle East, Turkey and Africa (META) regions. We first used the META concept at Alibaba Cloud Summit 2022, highlighting the potential and opportunities in this region. We offer an ecosystem specifically designed for professionals, entrepreneurs and developers working in innovative fields such as Web3 technologies, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs and decentralized applications.



Participations and Partnerships in 2023:

As Web3 META Hub, we participated in many important events and established collaborations on a global scale in 2023:

- ETH Riyadh and Dubai Gitex: We took part in these prestigious events as participants and partners. We shared our knowledge and experiences on Web3 technologies at these events and networked with other leaders in the industry.
- Moscow Communities: We supported information sharing and joint projects by collaborating with Web3 communities in Moscow.

ETHDevCon Istanbul:

The ETHDevCon Istanbul conference and panel series we organized at Bahçeşehir University brought together global participants. These events created an important platform where innovative ideas and projects in the field of Web3 technologies were discussed. Our Chinese DAO partners also took part in these events, strengthening our international cooperation.